About Us
iPresident of the United States
An alternative reality platform powered by the voice of the next generation where humanity intersects with technology to drive positive change.
Meet The Founder
The Face Behind The Brand

Mark Rice - Chief of Staff
Manages & owns the intellectual properties relating to The iPresident of the United States. Responsible for authenticating confirmed data, statistics and documented facts to present a quick understanding of local, regional, national and worldwide events that impact children. My daily tasks are to point individuals to be a “pebble”, a “candle” or an “elephant” so their simple acts will make a difference in people’s lives.
We Are iPrez
We are storytellers. iPresident is a platform to reach all demographics & ethnicities using news, video, entertainment and education. Our story: Creating content and delivering the voice of a generation using an iPresident of the United States to impact millions of lives by exploring real issues – real people.
Digital Content
iPresident will use auditions, starting with students nationwide, selecting candidates to voice inspiring messages, introducing campaigns that generate support from friends/families/schools/and communities via iVotes to elect the iPresident of the United States.

The Unique Brand
“Brands are…a TWO WAY dailogue through which emotional STORYTELLING CAN BE TRANFERRED.”
Simon Mainwaring, Worldwide Branding Consultant
Expand The Brand
“With anything that we do, the digital rule is to EXPAND THE BRAND and give audiences new ways to engage.”
Steve Youngwood, COO Sesame Workshop
We Take It Step-By-Step
“We have great existing content, we have GREAT NEW CONTENT coming and we’re trying to branch out a little bit in everything that we do so that WE STAY RELEVANT.”
Cyma Zarghami, President Nickelodeon MTV Kids
We Keep It Simple
“So many HOME RUN IDEAS ARE SO SIMPLE at their core.”
Robert “Bob” Eckert, former CEO, Mattel
The Dream. The Mission.
We Believe In The Voice Of The Next Generation
iPresident is not about politics. It is about connecting people. Compassion. Humanity. Children. Investing in our future leaders using exceptional voices of students to introduce original content as candidates for the iPresident of the United States.
Meet Our Voices
The Faces of the Brand
Partnering is an investment in our present & future leaders. This is an opportunity to share ownership in a unique brand.